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The strategic partnership of DREAAM project strived to create knowledge and policy recommendations in order to develop the skills of the population residing in airport areas so that they meet the criteria of the employers, such as airport companies.

Period: 2018 – 2020

Budget: €111,175

Partners: 10

Development of Regional Employment and Airport Areas Manpower (DREAAM) was an Erasmus+ project that had started in October 2018. DREAAM was a 24-month project with a total budget of €111,175.

Our objective was to foster an exchange of good practices on vocational education and training (VET) in airport areas by focusing on regional branding, job attractivity, skills definition and mobility. DREAAM aimed to facilitate the recruitment process for regions and airport platforms and to create more training and employment opportunities for the surrounding local communities.

The strategic partnership of DREAAM project strived to create knowledge and policy recommendations in order to develop the skills of the population residing in airport areas so that they meet the criteria of the employers, such as airport companies.

The project consortium comprised several local and regional public authorities, airports and, economic and development agencies:

The activities of the project partners were related to the following work challenges:

  • Perception and promotion of jobs in airport areas: Considering the perception of jobs in those areas, are the existing promotion tools efficient? How to duplicate them in other territories? What are the remaining gaps?

  • Matching workforce qualifications with the companies’ requirements: Is there really a shortage between the needs of employers and existing staff qualifications? What are the good practices to reduce this gap?

  • Anticipation of future work patterns: Will anticipating the future needs of companies allow for the development of relevant skills before they become a gap? What are the best practices in this respect?

  • Synthesis of the findings, implications for the attractiveness of airport areas: Considering the project’s analysis, which solutions can be developed to promote these jobs?

Given these activities, DREAAM project aimed to deliver:

  • Knowledge of other tools to promote airport areas jobs;

  • A forum for debate and exchanges on employment;

  • Long-term benefits for airport companies and local communities.

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