SAMVA in a nutshell
SAMVA project will increase the adoption of EGNOS technology within the provision of rotorcraft services and will pave the way toward seamless integration of VTOL autonomous aircraft using:
Achieve operational use of EGNOS within the provision of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services by implementing the first Point-in-Space and Low- Level-Route operation in Spain.
Deploy the first EGNOS VTOL operation at a European airport (LEDA), and demonstrate how EGNOS can support ATM tasks for entry into operations.
Unleash EGNOS capabilities on board a VTOL Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) (EHANG EH216) for the provision of precise and integer navigation guidance and support U-Space Airspace integration.
Develop, in-flight test, and validate an EGNOS RNP flight procedure design criteria based on the specific navigation performance of an AAV passenger capable.
Demonstrate how the current EGNOS Safety-of-Life Service can best support VTOL urban operations by hybridising data from onboard sensors.
Evaluate how the current EGNOS service could evolve to provide high-accuracy integrity values in combination with the Galileo High Accuracy Service.
Promote the adoption of EGNOS services towards the provision of Urban Air Mobility services through the support of Stakeholders from different European cities and regions.
ARC's role
We are the work package leader of the communication and dissemination activities. ARC will also organise the final event in the second half of 2024.

The SAMVA project is partially funded by EUSPA (European Union Agency for the Space Programme), granted under the call for proposals “GSA/GRANT/01/2021 – Acceleration of EGNOS Adoption in Transport.” This information reflects the SAMVA project’s view, and EUSPA is not responsible for any use that may be made of it.