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Statement from ARC President on Coronavirus Pandemic

A few weeks after the first cases, it looks obvious that never the world has faced such an important human, social and economic crisis like the one inflicted by the Coronavirus pandemic. This is without a doubt, an unprecedented challenge to our societies and their political representatives as they/we must look for solutions for the present situation and for our future at all levels: European, national, regional and local.

Airport Regions Council wants to express, first of all, our deepest sadness for all the thousands of deceased here in Europe and all over the globe. We encourage the work of all administrations, private and social organisations, and all volunteers from all sectors working to fight the pandemic and helping the sick.

A few weeks after the first cases, it looks obvious that never the world has faced such an important human, a social and economic crisis like the one inflicted by the Coronavirus pandemic. This is without a doubt, an unprecedented challenge to our societies and their political representatives as they/we must look for solutions for the present situation and for our future at all levels: European, national, regional and local. for their immediate presentation to the European Commission. At the same time, we are maintaining our informative and dissemination work on all programmes and initiatives – public and private, state and EU – aimed at economic and social recovery.

It is in this sense, that we appeal to all administrations to consider keeping airport activities a priority in recovery policies and programmes, as only in this way, one will avoid the loss of thousands of vital jobs that guarantee social cohesion and, given their high number in the airport sector, the integration of the immigrant population in our societies. If not also to ensure the fastest recovery of a key sector for most European economies, given the level of internationalisation of our economies and the importance of the tourism sector of the whole of the EU.

Finally, from ARC we consider, and we ask for it, that these grants be implemented as quickly as possible, that they are agreed with the different sectors specifically involved and that they also serve to improve airport and air activities in all their facets – labour, security, environmental and economic – thus increasing their resilience for future crises and to be even more efficient and effective by improving the quality of life of our societies as a whole and that of the inhabitants of the airport regions especially.

Together, we will overcome this situation, and we will build a better world.

Erich Valentin,

ARC President


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